Collision A Clue To Hot Heavenly Body  

When you receive the Seal you will look in awe at the wonders of the universe. One such wonder is quite a strange heavenly body--a planet that seems to be the remains of two planets that collided.

Astronomers are puzzled about this planet, named 2M1207B. It defies any explanation currently known. The location and age are not explainable by anything astronomers know, and neither are the temperature and luminosity.
Of course astronomers are trying to explain the strange phenomenon, an object that is strange and "requires a strange explanation." And yet the explanation is still a theory.

If you look in the area of the constellation Centaurus in the night sky, you will be able to see a brown dwarf star named 2M1207A. This star is known to be relatively young, at an age of 8 million years.

So 2M1207B, the planet revolving around that brown dwarf, is no older than it. According to what astronomers know of the temperature of planets, the age of the planet indicates that it should be no hotter than 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.

But astronomers have found that 2M1207B is actually much hotter. It actually registers at 2400 degrees F. And the only way they know to explain this high temperature is that it was caused by a protoplanetary collision.

Astronomers are also puzzled by the luminosity of the planet. Because it is so hot it is supposed to be more luminous. But it is 10 times more faint than it is supposed to be.

Previously they theorized that a dusty disk is obscuring the luminosity of the planet. But now some astronomers have a new theory: the planet is smaller than thought with a smaller surface area radiating energy.

These astronomers believe 2M1207B has a radius of just over 30,000 miles. So it is comparable in size to Saturn in our own solar system, which is 37,000 miles in radius.

And how could it be so hot millions of years after its birth? It must have collided with another planet, and that huge collision must have happened relatively recently so the heat from the collision is still radiating from it.

These collisions are known to happen. They happened in our own solar system. In fact it is believed that our own moon of the planet earth was formed when the earth hit an object with 10 percent of its mass.

So the theory is that 2M1207B, about the size of Saturn, hit a planet about 3 times as big as earth. And when the planets collided, according to the theory, they stuck together!

It is thought that it would take 100,000 years for the heat generated by the planet to dissipate away. So this collision must have happened recently and is a rare treat; it is an unlikely event, against the odds of happening.

When you are sealed you will look in awe at the night sky and enjoy the wonders of the universe God has created. He will show you some of His secrets--those mysteries of His Creation yet to be revealed.

And just looking at the vast expanse of the universe you begin to realize the infiniteness of God Himself when you see it in His Creation. But those vast expanses can not compare to the eternal Life granted you when you receive the Seal.

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Collision A Clue To Hot Heavenly Body  

When you receive the Seal you will look in awe at the wonders of the universe. One such wonder is quite a strange heavenly body--a planet that seems to be the remains of two planets that collided.

Astronomers are puzzled about this planet, named 2M1207B. It defies any explanation currently known. The location and age are not explainable by anything astronomers know, and neither are the temperature and luminosity.
Of course astronomers are trying to explain the strange phenomenon, an object that is strange and "requires a strange explanation." And yet the explanation is still a theory.

If you look in the area of the constellation Centaurus in the night sky, you will be able to see a brown dwarf star named 2M1207A. This star is known to be relatively young, at an age of 8 million years.

So 2M1207B, the planet revolving around that brown dwarf, is no older than it. According to what astronomers know of the temperature of planets, the age of the planet indicates that it should be no hotter than 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.

But astronomers have found that 2M1207B is actually much hotter. It actually registers at 2400 degrees F. And the only way they know to explain this high temperature is that it was caused by a protoplanetary collision.

Astronomers are also puzzled by the luminosity of the planet. Because it is so hot it is supposed to be more luminous. But it is 10 times more faint than it is supposed to be.

Previously they theorized that a dusty disk is obscuring the luminosity of the planet. But now some astronomers have a new theory: the planet is smaller than thought with a smaller surface area radiating energy.

These astronomers believe 2M1207B has a radius of just over 30,000 miles. So it is comparable in size to Saturn in our own solar system, which is 37,000 miles in radius.

And how could it be so hot millions of years after its birth? It must have collided with another planet, and that huge collision must have happened relatively recently so the heat from the collision is still radiating from it.

These collisions are known to happen. They happened in our own solar system. In fact it is believed that our own moon of the planet earth was formed when the earth hit an object with 10 percent of its mass.

So the theory is that 2M1207B, about the size of Saturn, hit a planet about 3 times as big as earth. And when the planets collided, according to the theory, they stuck together!

It is thought that it would take 100,000 years for the heat generated by the planet to dissipate away. So this collision must have happened recently and is a rare treat; it is an unlikely event, against the odds of happening.

When you are sealed you will look in awe at the night sky and enjoy the wonders of the universe God has created. He will show you some of His secrets--those mysteries of His Creation yet to be revealed.

And just looking at the vast expanse of the universe you begin to realize the infiniteness of God Himself when you see it in His Creation. But those vast expanses can not compare to the eternal Life granted you when you receive the Seal.

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Public Disclosure  

The senior astronomer for SETI, Seth Shostak, offered hope to the Coast to Coast Community on the program 1-16-8 and reassured prospective space miners their due should they discover an "anomaly". First when asked whether SETI would run to the government if they discovered any sort of real extraterrestrial signal, he offered an analogy that us regular people can relate to. They would probably first notify other colleagues around the world by email if they didn't pick up a phone first, followed by announcing the event to family members and personal friends which ultimately would make it too difficult for the Feds to cover up or dismiss by virtue of the number of people that would know first before they ever received the information. Also, any real signal anomaly picked up initially by one of the 5,000,000 computer geeks working with SETI by using their computers to process data is guaranteed to be recognized for their discovery if it is concluded that it is deemed something from an extraterrestrial civilization. In short, you can basically start planning on how to spend the money that potentially be coming their way and all the accolades of making such a life changing discovery.

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World Famous Diamonds  

The most famous diamonds in the world carry with them rich histories of the fortune and calamity of the lives which they have touched throughout time. Some world renowned diamonds have made the journey through the hands of royalty over centuries while others have only been unearthed in recent decades. Here we examine a few of the most coveted diamonds that have ever been discovered.

-The Hope Diamond: Perhaps the most well-known diamond in the United States, the Hope diamond endured hundreds of years and passed through several owners before it was donated by Harry Winston Inc. to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958. This 45.52 carat dark grayish blue cushion antique cut diamond has long been thought to bestow upon its owners a curse of tragedy and misfortune.

-The Cullinan Diamond: The largest rough diamond ever unearthed, the original Cullinan was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and weighed an astonishing 3,106 carats. The Cullinan diamond, named after the owner of the mining company where it was discovered, was later cut into 105 diamonds, the most notable of which is the pear shaped Cullinan I, also known as the Star of Africa diamond, weighing 530.2 carats. For many years the Star of Africa was known as the largest cut diamond in the world, though in recent years this record has been surpassed by The Golden Jubilee, at 545.67 carats, and a nameless fancy black diamond weighing in at 555.55 carats.

-The Regent Diamond: Thought by many to be the most stunning diamond worldwide, the perfectly cut Regent Diamond has a history of both prestige and voracity. The Regent was originally called the Pitt after Sir Thomas Pitt, a governor who purchased the diamond in the 1700s and had it cut and polished into the cushion shaped, 140.5 carat diamond in the French Royal Treasury today. Becoming known as the Regent in 1717 when it was purchased for the French Crown, the Regent Diamond has adorned the Crown of Louis XV and the sword of Napoleon Bonaparte.

-The Centenary Diamond: Esteemed by diamond connoisseurs for its purity and color, the Centenary Diamond was discovered at the Premier Mine in July of 1986. Weighing 599.10 carats in the rough, the Centenary Diamond was carefully cut by Gabi Tolkowsky into the present day 273.85 carat modern cut flawless diamond residing since 1991 at the Tower of London.

-The Orlov (sometimes called Orloff): This uniquely shaped diamond was set in the Imperial Sceptre during the reign of Catherine the Great in the late 1700s. The shape of this bluish green tinted diamond weighing in at 189.62 carats has been widely likened to that of half of a pigeon’s egg. The distinctive shape of the Orlov leads many to believe that there exists a counterpart that has yet to be discovered.

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The Next Generation Technology Developement  

Technology is playing an ever-increasing role in our daily lives. From the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the places we work and learn, we are faced with technology by the bucket load, aiming to improve efficiency and encourage competitiveness on a modern scale. The fact of the matter is, today technology is an irretrievable constant in our daily lives. Tell people to live without their cell phones and they'll laugh in your face. Tell someone he can't send that email, and again he'll be shocked. Technology is here to stay, big time, and it's really making its mark on the way we live our lives.

For example, think about your workplace. Even before you get in the door you'll come across modern technology, with car parking ticket dispensers, and door entry systems. When you get to your desk, the first thing you see? Yep, the computer. Even this monstrosity is betraying a vast network of technology underneath, linking it to other machines in your organization to allow you to print and share access to certain files. On your desk will also be an advanced calling system, and probably loads of other gadgets to boot. In fact, they're so engrained in our daily lives, it's hard to think how we survived before they existed.

Society today has gone down a dangerous path. We've placed far too much reliance on the machine and computer storage which has proven to be unreliable at times, as with all man made creations. The fact is with such a reliance on mechanical systems, we are jeopardizing whole hosts of vital information and operations which could result in major problems should systems fail dramatically. In this instant information generation, we are lacking the key ingredient of certainty which is so vital in storing our information.

Additionally, this societal movement towards technology is inevitably transpiring as a problematic area for youth, who grow up confused and in doubt as to effective written communication. This also gives rise to problems as far as grammatical and syntactical reasoning are concerned, which may have untold effects on generations to come.

Technology is clearly an asset in some respects, yet causes obvious problems in other circumstances, and has the potential to do so in the long run. It is necessary that we continue research into stable technologies to avoid putting all our metaphorical eggs in one basket, to provide the security and stability necessary for future commerce and society.

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