Collision A Clue To Hot Heavenly Body
When you receive the Seal you will look in awe at the wonders of the universe. One such wonder is quite a strange heavenly body--a planet that seems to be the remains of two planets that collided.
Astronomers are puzzled about this planet, named 2M1207B. It defies any explanation currently known. The location and age are not explainable by anything astronomers know, and neither are the temperature and luminosity.
Of course astronomers are trying to explain the strange phenomenon, an object that is strange and "requires a strange explanation." And yet the explanation is still a theory.
If you look in the area of the constellation Centaurus in the night sky, you will be able to see a brown dwarf star named 2M1207A. This star is known to be relatively young, at an age of 8 million years.
So 2M1207B, the planet revolving around that brown dwarf, is no older than it. According to what astronomers know of the temperature of planets, the age of the planet indicates that it should be no hotter than 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.
But astronomers have found that 2M1207B is actually much hotter. It actually registers at 2400 degrees F. And the only way they know to explain this high temperature is that it was caused by a protoplanetary collision.
Astronomers are also puzzled by the luminosity of the planet. Because it is so hot it is supposed to be more luminous. But it is 10 times more faint than it is supposed to be.
Previously they theorized that a dusty disk is obscuring the luminosity of the planet. But now some astronomers have a new theory: the planet is smaller than thought with a smaller surface area radiating energy.
These astronomers believe 2M1207B has a radius of just over 30,000 miles. So it is comparable in size to Saturn in our own solar system, which is 37,000 miles in radius.
And how could it be so hot millions of years after its birth? It must have collided with another planet, and that huge collision must have happened relatively recently so the heat from the collision is still radiating from it.
These collisions are known to happen. They happened in our own solar system. In fact it is believed that our own moon of the planet earth was formed when the earth hit an object with 10 percent of its mass.
So the theory is that 2M1207B, about the size of Saturn, hit a planet about 3 times as big as earth. And when the planets collided, according to the theory, they stuck together!
It is thought that it would take 100,000 years for the heat generated by the planet to dissipate away. So this collision must have happened recently and is a rare treat; it is an unlikely event, against the odds of happening.
When you are sealed you will look in awe at the night sky and enjoy the wonders of the universe God has created. He will show you some of His secrets--those mysteries of His Creation yet to be revealed.
And just looking at the vast expanse of the universe you begin to realize the infiniteness of God Himself when you see it in His Creation. But those vast expanses can not compare to the eternal Life granted you when you receive the Seal.
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