Herod The Great-Ancient Mountain Military Post Found
When you receive the Seal you will believe in the biblical accounts of history. Much of the history of the Bible has been proven by archaeological digs, and a recent dig has uncovered another fortress of Herod the Great.
Herod the Great is the king infamous for killing all the male children in Bethlehem. The three wise men came from the East seeking the Christ-child. When Herod heard this child was to be born in Bethlehem, he ordered all those children slain.
Herod was a power-mad king. The historian Josephus adds many more stories of his carnage. He even killed two of his own sons since they could be heirs to his throne.
He would not tolerate anyone who might usurp his power. Not even his own children. And many other acts of cruelty like these done by Herod were recorded. You can see how he would slaughter the innocent infants of Bethlehem.
Herod the Great was born sometime close to 73 BC. His father Antipater the Idumean was poisoned and Herod had to execute his killer with the support of the Romans.
Herod was married to Doris and had a young son when he decided to marry his niece Mariamne. He exiled Doris but in a typical act of brutality he executed Mariamne along with his two sons.
The first great temple in Jerusalem was Solomon's Temple. That was destroyed when the Bablylonians came and took Jerusalem captive. Herod built the great Second Temple.
Herod was not considered a true Jewish person by the religious authorities of his day but he was always famous for building the Second Temple, or Herod's Temple.
The Second Temple was the great temple of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus. It was the temple Jesus spoke of when he said that not one stone would be found upon another, but the whole would be ruined.
And the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. It happened when the Jewish people came to strife with the Romans during the Great Jewish Revolt. But when the temple was destroyed the revolt also ended.
A recent archaeological dig has uncovered another great fortress built by Herod, this one high in the mountains in the East Jordan. The architecture is similar to that of the Alexandreion built by Herod in the West Jordan.
So this new building is believed to be built by Herod. Herod reigned over the West Jordan. But this new building shows that he also established his presence in the East Jordan.
He would have been able to control the traffic in the Middle Jordan Valley and that was how he could control the ways to get to and from the East Jordan from the West.
The building was a military outpost, a "casemate" which means it had walls fortified through which weapons could be fired. It was a strategic position establishing the presence of Herod in the East, in the outer reaches of his kingdom.
When you are sealed you will begin to see new wonders of the Bible. Some of these new wonders are yet to be confirmed in digs under the earth. These are treasures proving the history as far as it can be proven from remaining evidence.
When you are sealed God plants a little garden in you. So as that garden you are just like a little earth, and inside you are hidden all the treasures found in the pages of the Bible. You can begin to dig up those treasures when you receive the Seal.
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