New Nano Feat-Heat Once Wasted Is Now Power
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. New technology being developed will eventually greatly reduce the energy lost as heat in the production of electricity.
Most of the electricity produced in the world is still produced by some pretty old-fashioned means. They are cheap to set up and work well on large scales. They are the old-fashioned turbines.
Heat causes gas or steam to turn a turbine and that becomes mechanical energy that is then made into electricity. But in this process so currently widely used, 150 percent more energy is lost as heat than is produced as electricity.
This may all soon change due to new technology using nanowires. Nanotechnology is technology produced on the tiny atomic or molecular scale. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, hence the name "nanotechnology."
Thermoelectric material can turn heat into electricity. And this promises that the waste heat from almost any machine can be turned into electricity. That means that a car exhaust could end up powering the radio.
And that means while you are driving your car you will be able to run the air conditioner without using more gas because you can power it with the heat of the exhaust.
Of course newer technology than the internal-combustion engine goes hand-in-hand with this nanotechnology. There is also heat produced by the exhaust by a car powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, and that can be turned into more power.
And heat from your body could end up charging your cell phone. The opportunities are endless. Since heat from your body can provide power, it could also provide energy to cool down your clothing.
Thermoelectric materials make possible refrigerators and air conditioners that are much smaller and more efficient. So it is already possible for your clothes to cool you on a hot day.
There are vast environmental benefits to this new technology, for it will squeeze a lot more power out of every ton of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere as the pollution created by making electricity.
Scientist at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley have come up with this nanotechnology. Other techniques produce smooth nanowires, but this technique has proven more effective by producing nanowires that are rough in texture.
The method is called "electroless etching" and produces nanowires that are highly efficient as thermoelectric materials. The amazing thing is that the scientists do not understand why the rough surfaces work better; they just discovered it.
And it has been a challenge. Scientists have had a hard time coming up with thermoelectric materials that are efficient enough. They measure thermal and electric conductivity with the ability of that material to turn heat into energy.
Then they rate the performance of the material. It has proven to be quite a challenge and until now, only expensive and impractical solutions have been found. But these new discoveries change everything.
When you are sealed you will begin to care about the environment. God will plant a little garden in you so you will also care about the greater garden, the whole earth. God will show you how to care for the earth when you receive the Seal.
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