Our Own Galaxy And Gas Cloud To Collide  

When you receive the Seal you will begin to understand things from an eternal perspective. So you will be amazed to find out about a cloud of gas rushing toward our own galaxy due to be here in around 30 million years.

A giant cloud of hydrogen is on a collision course with our own galaxy, known as the "Milky Way" galaxy. And when they officially collide, in 20 to 40 million years, there will be a grand fireworks show in the night sky.

Even though it may still seem quite far away--8000 light years--it is actually quite close relative to the vast expanse of the entire universe. 8000 light years is truly close, and not far.

A light year is a distance and not a time. It is the distance light travels in one year, which is quite far in our humble opinion. We do not currently know of anything that travels faster than light.

This hydrogen cloud is far enough away that the light from stars in the Milky Way would take 8000 years to reach it. But it will take much longer than 8000 years to reach us. It is moving much more slowly than the speed of light.

The cloud, named Smith's Cloud, is only moving at 150 miles a second. That is pretty slow relative to many other objects in the universe. Nevertheless it is due to hit the Milky Way, and produce some spectacular effects.

It is likely that a number of stars will be formed when Smith's Cloud hits the Milky Way. And they will be massive stars, short lived, which will become supernovae at the end of their lives.

So there will be an Independence Day celebration going off in at least one part of the sky, choreographed at snail's pace, happening over the course of a few million years.

A supernova happens when a star explodes at the end of its life. It becomes quite bright for a short time, outshining all the surrounding stars in its galaxy before the flame dies down and it returns to relative dimness.

Until now, astronomers did not know much about Smith's Cloud. They did not know whether it were a part of the Milky Way or not. But a recent study has clarified everything about the heavenly body.

They pointed the Green Bank Telescope tens of thousands of times at Smith's Cloud, doing a detailed study of the hydrogen in it. And Smith's Cloud is big. It is about 30 times the diameter of the full moon.

The shape of Smith's Cloud is like a comet, and that shows it is coming into contact with the gases of the outer fringe of the Milky Way. Astronomers speculate that the gravity of the Milky Way may be starting to tear apart Smith's Cloud.

But it will hit the Milky Way in millions of years. It is not heading directly for the region of the sun and the planet earth. So it will cause fireworks in the night sky but it will not compromise life on earth.

When you are sealed you will begin to see the wonders of eternity. Tens of millions of years is a long time to wait for a show of bright explosions in the sky. But you will be able to wait--you will have the time when you are sealed.

Because when you are sealed you will live forever. God will grant you eternal Life. So you will be able to watch the progress of the universe as millions of years pass when you receive the Seal.