Belly Fat Stats Rate Risk Of Heart Disease
The study tracked over 24,000 men and women from age 45 to age 79 in the United Kingdom. They were participating in another study about cancer, so their information was available for this study.
The study, published in the Circulation: Journal of The American Heart Association, shows that belly fat is a risk factor for heart disease. And the best predictor of heart disease is using the waist-hip ratio of measurement.
The researchers took measurements of the bodies of the men and women and studied them for an average of over 9 years. While being studied, a few thousand of the men and women developed heart disease.
The researchers found that those with the highest risk for heart disease were those with the highest waist-to-hip ratio. This means that the more belly fat you have compared to your hips, the more likely you are to have heart disease.
Men in the highest 20 percent of waist-to-hip ratios were 55 percent more likely to develop heart disease than those in the lowest 20 percent. So the men with the most belly fat had a half-again as much chance of getting heart disease than those with the least.
It is even worse for women. Women in the highest 20 percent of waist-to-hip ratios were over 90 percent more likely to develop heart disease than the lowest 20 percent.
But when the waists were measured without considering the corresponding size of the hips, the risk of heart disease was underestimated by one-fifth to almost two-fifths.
When the hip size of men increased around 2.5 inches compared to their waists, their risk of heart disease went down 20 percent. Women needed about a 3.5 inch increase in hip size compared to waist for a 20 percent risk reduction.
This study shows the importance of losing that excess weight. Obesity puts people at higher risk for a variety of serious diseases including heart disease.
But people with big bellies and little hips often are not considered obese. They are thought to just have a little belly fat. But the more contrast there is between belly and waist size the more likely heart disease, even for those who are not much overweight.
When you are sealed God will show you how to lose the excess weight. He wants you to lose the weight so you do not die prematurely of disease you really can avoid.
God wants to give you more life--a better life. He gives you spiritual Life and promises you Heaven. But He expects you to do what you can to preserve your life in this world too. Exercise is important but diet is even more important.
To lose the belly fat, you need to cut out most of the calories you are getting now. Cut out snacks and processed food like junk food and white flours. And consider replacing some of your coffee with oolong tea which is scientifically proven to burn lots of fat.
When you are sealed God will give you the ability to change your diet. He will give you the insight, and that is the important first step. With the insight you will soon be ready to take action when you receive the Seal.
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