Clove oils  

Clove oil is extracted from Eugenia caryophyllata of the Myrtaceae family.

It is a native of Indonesia and the Malacca Islands.It is an evergreen tree that grows to about 10 meters tall and has bright green leaves and nail shaped rose peach flower buds which turn, upon drying, a deep red brown. These buds are removed from the tree and dried.

It was an important commodity in the spice trade and is still used in perfumes, mulled wines, liqueurs, love potions, dental products and an insect repellant.

Clove oil can be extracted from the leaves, stem and buds. Clove oil is a very potent oil, may cause irritation to the skin and mucus membranes, hence should be used with care. It is used in perfumes, lotions or creams applied to the skin,but the concentration should be well below 1%.

The therapeutic properties of clove oil are analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-neuralgic, carminative, anti-infectious, disinfectant, insecticide, stimulant, stomachic, uterine and tonic.

Clove oil can be used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts, keeping infection at bay and as a pain reliever. It helps with toothache, mouth sores, rheumatism and arthritis.

It is beneficial to the digestive system, effective against vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms and parasites, as well as bad breath.

Clove oil is valuable for relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. The disinfecting property is useful in cases of infectious diseases.

Clove oil is useful for its disinfecting properties, relieving of pain, especially toothache, arthritis and rheumatism. It is effective when used for complaints of the digestion system. It is also of use for skin problems , especially for skin sores and leg ulcers and as an insect repellent.

The commercially available clove oils are clove bud oil and clove leaf oil.

Clove bud oil

It is obtained by hydro distillation of the dried flower buds of Eugenia Caryophyllata, cultivated in Madagascar, Zanzibar and Comoro.

The oil has a sweet, woody, eugenol, spicy, medicinal, fresh and slightly balsamic taste.

The oil has a warm, clove, sweet, fruity, woody odour.

It is used upto 8% in fragrance formulations and 12000 ppm in flavours.

It blends well with bergamot, lavender, pepper, ylang ylang, bay, basil, cinnamon, sandalwood oils.

The chemical composition [ in %] of major components is as follows;

Eugenol- 70-80

Beta-caryophyllene- 5-10


Eugenyl acetate- 4-6



The minor components in the oil are Benzyl alcohol, Cadinene, Copaene, Cubebene, Vanillin, etc.

Clove leaf oil

It is obtained by leaves and twigs of Eugenia Caryophyllata.

The oil has a clove, sweet, spicy, caryophyllene odour.

It is used upto 8% in fragrance formulations and 1200 ppm in flavours.


Benzyl alcohol- 1-2




The minor components in the leaf oil are Asarone, Terpineol, Copaene, Cadinene, etc.

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